понедельник, 12 декабря 2011 г.

HoshiGirl’s ELF Christmas Giveaway!

December 4, 2011: I tweaked the mechanics a bit! If you want to be a SURE WINNER of either 300 pesos worth of Starbucks GCs (for Philippine residents only) or $5 Paypal Cash, refer the most number of people to join my contest! You can edit your blog entries, post it on Facebook, spread the word via Twitter, etc. It’s completely up to you! Make sure that your friends comment and mention that YOU referred them :D
No, guys, i’m not giving away an actual elf just like Dobby from Harry Potter ;) Haha. I’ll be giving away a make-up set from ELFEyes Lips Face!

Here's the link: http://hoshigirl.com/hoshigirls-elf-christmas-giveaway

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